After the sailors.


In love and crime

all things move in sevens. seven compartments

in the heart. the seven elaborate temptations.

seven devils cast from Mary Magdalene whore

of Christ. the seven marvelous voyages of Sinbad.


Seventh heaven. Patti Smith

I need to preserve my soul

because my soul

is one with the world

and she means

to spend my time in my tears

like a rain


Nobody knows

-          after the sailors 

about the sea

but I can see

how the water discovers the skin

of sun on the herbs


The possibility of a big deal  

makes happen darkness

Take a look and conquer your heal

My friend and my dear enemies

let’s get into their dreams



I’m trying to switch words

For a new place in what moon?

My rewarding is not your smile

is the reason of your happiness

and makes it work with my hand

in your struggle


The time brings almost perfect thinking

when you await for our kingdom

By now you agree with me

but yesterday you didn’t love me

due to that I was selfish and foolish

with the fish in your fish tank


Have you ever seen

the shine in the lambs

after that clever way?


Maybe is real my fear of you

because you are what my body feels 

And me

I need to preserve my soul

That is the only thing what I really have

when you are not with me.

Omar Alej. 


Anónimo dijo…
Nice beginning with the English words!

Anónimo dijo…
What a pleasure to read you and listen you in English... Oh my dearest love, preserver it all, after the sailors!


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